Some psychological characteristics of the Delaware Indians during the 17th and 18th centuries
article 1950 Wallace, Anthony F. C.

DelawareNorth America > Eastern Woodlands
The author, a well known professional anthropologist, has attempted in this source to reconstruct from fragmentary historical accounts a psychological picture of the Delaware Indians. In his analysis of Delaware personality, parent-child relationship...

Some psychological determinants of culture change in an Iroquoian community
essay 1951 Wallace, Anthony F. C.

IroquoisNorth America > Eastern Woodlands
This is an analysis of the hypothesis that although cultures may change radically, the 'psychic structure' underlying these cultures, as represented by the psychological characteristics of the individuals in the society, changes very little. Wallace ...

Origins of the longhouse religion
essay 1978 Wallace, Anthony F. C.

IroquoisNorth America > Eastern Woodlands
This is a study of the origins of the Longhouse Religion, developed on the basis of revelations by the Iroquois prophet Handsome Lake in 1799. Wallace discusses some of the contributing factors that led to the acceptance of this new religion, such as...

Mentaweian social organization
article 1951 Wallace, Anthony F. C.

MentawaiansAsia > Southeast Asia
In this document Wallace critiques Warner Muensterberger's treatment of Mentaweian social organization and offers a reinterpretation of the basic structure of Mentaweian society. Some relatively minor criticisms are also leveled at the interpretation...

The death and rebirth of the Seneca
Book 1969 Wallace, Anthony F. C. & Steen, Sheila K.

IroquoisNorth America > Eastern Woodlands
This monograph traces the history of the Seneca, especially the Allegany Seneca, from the seventeenth through the mid-nineteenth centuries. The role of the Iroquois in the American Revolution and other wars of the eighteenth century is discussed. Spe...